Houses have been built for years and in many respects, the houses of today look very similar to the houses built one hundred years ago; with a few notable architectural exceptions .

However, house construction and design has changed dramatically over time and will continue to do so. Much of this is due to the availability of materials and the increased awareness of environmental impact.

However, it is possible to update and transform any home with some clever façade engineering . But one style that seems to have managed to survive relatively intact is the minimalist. It is often seen as a design and a way of life, there are 5 ways to easily spot a minimalistic design:

  • Function

A minimalist house is designed with function in mind. This means they are usually designed from the inside out. What works best for the resident is put into position and gives the outside shape and features.

In general this means being as efficient as possible with the space available. Minimalist houses can be fairly small in outline to ensure they are designed with function in mind. There are generally very few exterior doors as they are not needed.

  • Open

The eagerness for efficient use of space will generally see the design of a minimalist house is open plan. This allows for free and easy movement between spaces and reduces the time that will be spent keeping the home clean.

As part of this, the home will usually be designed to have an abundance of windows, this ensures that light can pour into the building. Light generally makes you feel more positive but it is also a cost saver.

  • Finishing

The average minimalist home will have extremely simple finishing. It might be clad or plain rendered. In fact, virtually any façade can be accommodated but the emphasis will be on low maintenance and simple lines.

You are unlikely to find structures jutting out at odds to the rest of the build as these will require more effort than is necessary.

  • Minimal Decoration

Unsurprisingly a minimalist home will have minimal detail inside the home. The stairs will be functional instead of ornate; the walls are likely to be plain and potentially the same color throughout the hoe. These will b neural colors although not necessarily white.

Even the cupboards and other furnishings are likely to be incorporated into the design of the home, to avoid unnecessary obstacles.

  • Visual Interest Through Materials

A minimalist hoe is not devoid of attraction! The wood used to create interior structures can tell its own tale. Concrete lintels or even flooring can be designed to catch the light and your eye. The placement of windows will maximize light but can also be a feature n themselves.

Even the minimal decoration can create a stunning image. Consider a completely blank all except for one bright, bold painting. Of course, it will be a contemporary painting. Your eye will be drawn to it.

That's the bottom line of a minimalist house, your eye will be drawn to specific details despite the fact the house is simply designed!

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Interior designer, blogger and owner of online home decor boutique selling unique items made by local artisans and artists from the countries along the ancient Silk Route.

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