Dead Again in Tombstone Blu ray Review

Blu-ray Review: Dead Again in Tombstone


Dr. Zaius   |  @   |

Dead Again in Tombstone banner Danny Trejo

Dead Once more in Tombstone
Blu-ray | DVD | Digital
Directed by Roel Reine
Starring Danny Trejo, Jake Busey, Elysia Rotaru, Dean McDermott, Elizabeth Lavender, Elysia Rotaru
Universal Studios Domicile Entertainment
Release date: September 12, 2017

Dead Again in Tombstone is the sequel to the 2013 straight to video/on demand picture show Expressionless in Tombstone. In the original, Guerrero (Danny Trejo) and his half-brother Red (Anthony Michael Hall) lead a gang into a pocket-sized mining town to take its gold. When the gang turns on Guerrero and leaves him for dead, he makes a deal with the Devil himself: a scenery-chewing Mickey Rourke. He gives Guerrero ane twenty-four hours to evangelize to him the souls of those who betrayed him or endure eternal damnation. So in other words, your ordinary run of the mill satanic horror western. Considering its low upkeep and the oft-true stereotypes concerning straight-to-video releases, the cast made this a fun fashion to burn 100 minutes. Director Roel Reine (Inhumans) and star Danny Trejo render for the sequel, which was released this week.

Dead Again in Tombstone picks up with Guerrero, the Devil's Outlaw, hunting downwardly souls on his noble black steed. When he returns home to Silver River to pay respect to his begetter'southward grave and come across his family, he is greeted by a posse of Confederates led by Colonel Jackson Boomer (Jake Busey). Boomer was a friend of Red'due south and is here for a mysterious and valuable family unit heirloom and he's willing to kill Guerrero, his mother, and his rebellious girl (Elysia Rotaru) to go it. The heirloom in question is the "The Devil'south Book," capable of unleashing Hell on Earth.

Another directly-to-abode video feature, Dead Again in Tombstone is not a especially skillful film, but serves as fun background music. Information technology's the kind of pic you'd notice on cable and leave on, because "Hey, that'southward Danny Trejo and he kicks ass!" Trejo has some cool one-liners and has a bully scene riding atop a buffalo. Jake Busey chews scenery like tobacco as the villain. One affair's for sure, there is plenty of center candy, and the ladies can match the guys in the fight scenes, including one betwixt Rotaru'southward Alicia and Elizabeth Lavender'southward Madame Du Vere.

Blu-Ray Extras include:

Resurrecting the Western: Making Dead Again in Tombstone – This was a curt behind-the-scenes featurette with all the actors likewise as manager Roel Reine, who Danny Trejo refers to every bit a 12-yr old. The common thread was how much information technology was blending genres, from traditional western to action to zombie horror. Having recently interviewed Danny Trejo (read the interview hither), he is a passionate lover of westerns, and his filmography is a never-ending list of activity and horror films"¦ so this may just exist the consummate Danny Trejo projection.

Dwelling in Tombstone: Danny Trejo as Guerrero – Dean McDermott laughs and says he'd watch Danny Trejo read the phonebook. This was some other absurd little feature basically focusing on the crew's dear and appreciation for all things Trejo. For a man who looks and acts on screen like the world's biggest badass, Trejo is shockingly warm and happy-go-lucky. Roel Reine mentions working with him several times and loving him every bit an role player. They go into the buffalo ride, with the consensus opinion existence Trejo is the just, or 1 of the few, person to ever ride a buffalo on screen.

In that location is a deleted scenes montage as well equally feature-length audio commentary with the director along with the writer, editor, and director of photography. The motion picture is presented in 1080p High-Definition widescreen in Dolby Digital sound.

If you lot're a fan of Danny Trejo, westerns, or looking for a good way to impale some time with some brainless film fun, Dead Once again in Tombstone is worth checking out. Me, I'll follow Trejo to Hell and back.

Dead Again in Tombstone is available at present on DVD, Blu-Ray, and Digital Hard disk drive.


Expressionless Once again in Tombstone Trailer

Dead Again in Tombstone Blu-ray cover

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