How Long Can You Wet Aged Beef

Dry-Aged vs. Wet-Aged Steaks

Dry-Aged vs. Wet-Aged Steaks

Mmm, steak! Information technology's only the best. A perfectly cooked, juicy steak is a pleasure unlike annihilation else in the world. The delicious flavors and satisfying texture make for a perfect repast. It's a favorite for a reason, but as amazing as a steak can be, not all steaks are the same.

The meat has to undergo a lot before it tin can make it on your plate, and if you know a footling near the dissimilar processes at play, yous can explore more kinds of delicious steak and perchance notice your new favorite.

For the most part, all steak is aged. You're not exactly picking your moo-cow like you would a lobster at a seafood restaurant. The processes that get a steak from the farm to your plate take time, and how that time is spent determines the flavour profile of the steak. In full general, a steak can be dry-anile or wet-aged. Allow's wait at those ii processes to acquire about what they do to your meal.

Dry out-Aging

Nosotros tin can start past looking at the dry-aging procedure. It is a slow process that is designed to produce the nigh tender meat possible. This is done past hanging beefiness, usually an entire side, in the open air. The meat is kept merely higher up freezing temperatures to preclude microbial growth, simply information technology has to be above freezing to enable the drying process. The meat is aged for several weeks. Over this menses of time, naturally occurring enzymes work on the muscles of the meat. This tenderizes the meat thoroughly. The enzymes change the texture of the meat, and they redefine its flavour.

Dry out-aged steak produces the near tender beef available. Along with that, the flavor changes are substantial. Dry-aged flavors tend to be stronger. Many people draw them as nutty or bawdy, and the process adds what's chosen astringency (a slight acidity or bitterness) to the flavor contour.

The downside to dry out-aging (in addition to the time it takes) is that you lose a lot of meat. The loss of moisture reduces the mass of the beefiness overall. Besides, the aging procedure ruins the surface of the meat. The surface has to be trimmed away, and this adds to the loss of mass. Ultimately, this process drives up the cost per pound of the steak. Despite the price, many people rave virtually the season of dry out-anile meat and are willing to pay the premiums.


Moisture-aging has been around for less than 60 years or so. Information technology just became an option after the mass evolution of plastics meant easy production of the bags required for moisture-aging. In society to moisture-age steak, the beefiness is cut and portioned. Information technology is so immediately placed in vacuum-sealed bags. Over again, it is kept at a low temperature just above freezing. The wet-aging process typically lasts upwardly to 10 days. During this time, the naturally occurring enzymes are able to tenderize the meat.

Wet-aging is a faster procedure. Because of this, the enzymes don't have enough time to change the meat as substantially as you would discover in the dry out-aging process. The issue is that wet-aged meat is tender simply non as tender as dry-aged steak. Wet-aged steak has a lot more moisture in it, however. This distributes the season beyond the meat more than evenly. Additionally, the wet-aging process does non produce the acidity that dry-aged steaks take. Steaks you'll notice at your local grocery store are sealed in plastic and are technically wet-aged, and then a wet-aged steak tastes much more like the traditional steak season that most people are accustomed to.

The wet-aging process is much more than cost-constructive and affordable. Because the meat is vacuum-sealed, in that location is no weight loss at all in the aging process. This makes the meat less expensive per pound, and you still get the value of aging.

The Bottom Line

Now you know the major differences between dry out-aging and wet-aging. Which is meliorate? Typically, dry-aged meat is considered to have a college quality. The increased tenderness is appealing, and aficionados often claim that the dry out-aged flavor contour is superior. The downside is the toll. Oftentimes the only place you can discover a dry-aged steak is in a high-end, pricey steakhouse. Only moisture-anile meat has its plusses as well. More moisture and the satisfying flavors you've grown accustomed to, plus a lower price, make a wet-anile steak the preferred option for many meat-eaters.

At Cattlemen's Steakhouse in the OKC Stockyards, we wet-historic period our steaks for a moist, flavorful steak that tastes great and is affordable. We want you to exist able to come up back for more than whenever you crave a great steak in a relaxed temper. Side by side fourth dimension you lot're in, ask us well-nigh our wet-aging process. We'll be glad to see you, and your stomach will be perfectly satisfied. Find u.s.a. online or call us at 405-236-0416.


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